>>>>Go to this link and submit your details >>> DV 2022 Registration<<< >>>DV Lottery Program Registration Official Website Official DV Form<<<
<<DV Lottery Registration Date : 7 October 2020 To 10 November 2020>>
As always, this year also open the registration of free DV Lottery for 2022. Everyone wants to go to the US but not everyone can fill out the DV Registration Form themselves. There are hundreds of DV form filing centers, but they may be in city places. the market is closed due to Corana Virus So, How to fill DV now? We have came today with the solution of this problem. Before discussing how to fill in the DV, it is important to understand a few special things. First of all let's talk about what is required documents to fill DV.
#. what documents are required to fill DV?
<<Fill in the DV form and fill in your actual details.>>
<<If you are married, you have to fill in all the details of your spouse.>>
* Permanent Name, Address & Date of birth
* Valid Passport
* Citizenship
* Higher Level Degree Certificate
* Email & Phone number
* 600 pixel height / 600 pixel weight photo ( must be taken 6 months leter)
* You should not have any criminal records
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##. The most important thing to pay attention to is the size of the photo. DV will not accept if the size of the photo is slightly upside down. otherwise your application will be reject. Do not make the photo with ( any auto create photo tools ). The photo should be in the Criteria of the sample picture shown below.
* Your photo must be Digital
* Photo must be colorful & Photo taken recently
* 600 pixel height / 600 pixel weight size photo ( photo must be taken last 6 months )
* Photo size must be less or equal 240 kb
* Your face must be in the photo
* Photo must be neutral expression
* Uniform not allowed. your clothes must be wear normally every day.
* Religious clothes that you wear daily allowed.
* You are going to fill the form you should manually make photo from your computer
* The background of the photo should be white and there should be no shadow on the back.
* it should be taken directly from the front angle.
* it is important to see a clear face, both ears and both shoulders
* No glasses, hats, headphones, mask or cover should be worn on the face
* Rotate photo, tilt photo, edit photo DV will not accept
>>If you have all the Documents and Requirements mention above you can Fill up the Official Registration here DV Lottery Registration Here<<
If you are eligible for DV and you would like to fill out the form. but the DV Filling Center is far away and you cannot fill it out yourself. you can send all the details mention above or contact us through this details below :
Go to this link and submit your details >>> DV 2022 Registration<<<
EMAIL: Hari.thegim@gmail.com
FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/hari.thegim.5
WHATSAPP & IMO : +9779815077221
---Best of luck for your DV Lottery 2022 Registration-----
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