What Is The Facebook ? Advantages and Disadvantages Of Facebook / Facebook Article

what is facebook ? advantages and dis advantages of facebook. facebook article

We are now in 21st century. The field of technology has developed a lot. Nothing much was developed in technology 100 year ago. At that time only  a few online platforms were developed. But now hundreds of scientists are working in the fields of technology .  Scientist inventing new technical things day by day. There were making so many new devices as well as developing online platforms. Rapidly progress in online communication. This hundreds years we were in next level generation. Because of developing  technology everybody have technological devices.  We can use easily computers and mobiles. We all have one technology device. In this generation we are complete all the tasks from online systems. We are working jobs in online, we are connected in social platform, financial works complete through online, we can do the shopping from home through online order. Without technology we can not imagine our life. Technology needs in every fields. There are no any one person who doesn’t use internet. We can complete all the tasks through the internet. In technology and ineternet fields invented many online platform application and software. Made number of social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, instagram, whatsapp. Which make easy to communication each other worldwide. Through social media we can contact any person of world. There is no boundries for virtual communication. Technologies make easy interact between each others. It helps make strong relationship person to person. We are going to talking about  one of the famous  social media FACEBOOK .

1.    Facebook:

         Facebook is a free online social media and social networking service . which is founded by mark zukerberg and his college fellows Callifornia USA . facebook launched in 2004. Facebook is  a highly popular app in the world. These have many features.  we can easily communicate each other through the facebook. Facebook  Account can be create by mobile numbers. In this application we can send instant  messages to our relatives and friends. Make free voice call and video call to friends, easily  upload images and videos to share others , we can share our opinions on wall ,  in this app have playing games features which give the more entertainment us , there can be watch  different countries news, many peoples  shared videos on facebook some of theme may be useful us . we can easily follow or making new friends from different ares. It helps to find new partner with same interest, hobbies and thinking .  In facebook we can create groups and can share messages, opinions and discuss about specific matter .  we can share current location, current status to others to know active status. Facebook brings many awesome features. There are like, comment and share bottoms.  If we like someone images we can give LIKE and we can write our opinions for images in COMMENT section .We can create pages in facebook and can share knowledgeable things. It helps to spread our knowledge to other peoples. It is very useful for social networking and online communication. It helps to promote our company, business, brands, market over the different areas. So, it is really helpful for peoples.


-        Easily make new friends from worldwide.

-         Free send and receive messages each others.

-         Share images and videos to friends and relatives.

-         Free voice call and video call.

-         Live streaming with friends and publics.

-         We can Like, Comment and Share friends posts.

-         Play online games with friends.

-         Advertise your brands and company.

-         Use stickers and animated images.

-         Poke to other to attraction quickly.

-         Anytime post your status and receive comments.

-         Follow the famous celebraties.

-         Create pages and share notice and news.

-         Receive every notification.

-         Make groups and interact eachothers.

-         Create events and let know to friends upcoming events in their communities.

-         Create jobs offer, sales and housing.

-         Create note attach photo and share external links.

-         Easily share current location to friends.

-         Mention your friends in pages and groups.

-         Post tag to your friends.

-         Share feelings and activities.

-         Ask for recommendations.

-         Questions to your friends.

-         Promote your product and sell.


Advantages :

·       Network communication

You can facebook for connect with your family, friends, work colleagues. Even you can make new friends from different countries by seeing their interests and easily connect with them using private message and voice & video chat.

·       Free voice call and video chatting:

You can easily connect in video call with your friend list friends. Fast,secure and stable voice and video call.

·       News and information :

Facebook is the real –time networking site. It is sources of stay updated with latest news and information.  Bloggers and internet marketers can use it for announce their product and services. We can get easily information from different area through pages and groups.

·       Date / Find good Companion:

In facebook billions of  active users. So, easy to find person to date that share common hobbies & interests. But, be careful there are numbers of Fake Profiles. They usually create account s for cheating and spam.

·       Promoting business :

You can promote your company, brands, markets  to over the worlds. You can sell your products and make numbers of costumers frome different countries.

·       Making new friends from different countries:

Facebook is  a popular social app. There billions of peoples actively using facebook . you can find stranger and can make good relation with them.  It helps you know about culture, language, traditions, ccustoms of other countries . you can be a friendly with worlds peoples.

·       Create group for specific purpose:

You can create facebook page for discussion about target purpose. Students can make groups and pages for share knowledge, discussion about topic and share their opinions each other. It helps to increase knowledge about books or assignments.

·       Fun and time pass:

There many games on facebook which you can play with your friends and share enjoyment each others. It is good for time pass. You can forget your stress, tensions playing  games and interact with your friends.



            If something have good parts that have also bad parts. Nothing have always only advantages. Here are some Disadvantages of facebook :

·        Fake profiles and persons:

We can create easily facebook account so there are numbers of peoples uses fake profiles. Usually they using fake profiles for gain their marketing , cheating, fun, harass, so, you have to always be careful and check the all the profile details and verified then make friend otherwise forget that unknown peoples.

·       Consuming your time:

In facebook have so many features. So, you can spent more time in facebook doing chatting, gaming, like, comment and posting.  Even you don’t know how much time you consuming on facebook.

If you want to use facebook then set the time limit.  Spending too much time in facebook you would be addict and you might wasting too much time.

* We are not using facebook list features:

There are so many good features but we ignored that. That features helps you keep status update specific group of friends. You can create pages and groups for targeted campaign. Create note note and save as memory. Share your location for helping some one. Discuss specific content.



            If we use Facebook in right proportions and right cares it is a powerful tools for social networking. We can take many advantages from facebook. We can free and easily communicate with our  relative and friends, promoting our business, making  new friends, share opinions, start campaign, making groups . it all depends on ourselves. We have to self-descipline to use facebook. We should always ignored disadvantages and  take advantages only.

What about you use facebook ? how much time you use facebook?  what are the advantages and disadvantages of  facebook? let us know about your opinions over facebook. Leave your opinion in comment.



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